We chat with a lot of people who are feel suicidal, people feeling they don’t want to live any more and that they want to commit suicide.
If this is something you are struggling with then you are not alone – many people struggle with this, men, women, young, old, married, unmarried, those who believe in a God and those who don’t. It’s a belief that this world would be better off without you, that you have no hope and no reason to keep on going. We want you to know that there is hope, there is purpose, and suicide feelings can change.
You are more than a bunch of feelings, you have a physical body and a spiritual side to you. You really need to think about the whole of you and not just how you are feeling right now.
Who have you told about wanting to commit suicide?
Maybe you feel that you don’t want to bother any one with how you are feeling, you might have decided that they won’t be interested, or won’t care – but most people who feel suicidal are surprised just how much people do care when they hear about how low you are feeling.
If you are young tell your parents or another older member of the family who you are closer to. If you are older tell someone whose opinion you respect – a friend, a church pastor, a relative.
It would also be really good to talk to your doctor about how you feel because sometimes the reason you are feeling this way can be because of a physical chemical imbalance that can be greatly helped by taking some medication for a while.
Don’t trust the feelings
Feelings are lovely when they are going the right way, but they are not a good test of what is true. People can sometimes wake up one day feeling low, and then wake up the next day feeling more positive – even when nothing in life is different. All that has changed is the feelings.
Feelings can often trick us and so we have to look beyond feelings to know what is true. Even if you struggle with believing this – it still is true!
Whether you feel it or not there is a purpose for you here on earth and there are so many people whose lives you could help and change.
Think about the spiritual you
Do you believe there is a God? Have you ever spent time trying to learn about who Jesus is, what he did and why he did it?
When you believe that Jesus loves you and is deeply interested in you it gives you a different picture of the world around you and of what your life is all about. It gives you a new hope and a new focus outside of yourself.
The more you get to know the real Jesus of the Bible, the more you will want to live to make Him happy and this will also then become a great motivation to keep on going no matter how low and bad you feel. Jesus cares about you – he wants you to know his peace and his acceptance and forgiveness. He wants you to know Him and how much he loves you.
Trust other people
When your mind and feelings are playing games with you – you need to remember that there is a possibility that someone else can see your situation more clearly than you can.
The way you are seeing things now might not be the truth – others might be seeing what is true and you might not be.
You will hurt so many people
Some people think that nobody would miss them if they went, and that everyone would be better off without them – but this is completely wrong.
When someone commits suicide great hurt, upset, pain and damage is caused to those who knew them – your family and friends would suffer so much.
Give yourself a new focus
If you weren’t feeling so low and depressed who or what would you like to make a difference to?
Your life could help 100s of other people or 100s of animals – why not have it as an aim to try and get well enough to make a difference to these things that you are interested in?
What steps could you begin to take in your life that will get you closer to being able to volunteer, or to try and raise money to help them. You might not be able to do these things now, but it’s really healthy to have something like this as an aim that you are working towards achieving. Having a focus that is outside of yourself is much more powerful than just trying to get better for you.